Thursday, June 28, 2012

Field Experience Reflection

1. How many hours did you complete?

Through my field experience I ended up completing 20 hours. I spent ten hours with our school media specialist and ten hours in our public libraries.

2. In a short paragraph or bulleted list, how did you spend your time?

As I spent time with our media specialist I helped her organize new books that had come in, choose books to order for the following school year, and we did a lot of planning on how we can team together to teach the fifth grade content next year. I am very excited about what we have in plan!

The second half of my field experience hours was spent in our public libraries. I babysit three children over the summer who are 5, 7, and 9 and they LOVE the library! We went to several classes that our different libraries have to offer; we got to bring our dog and they read aloud to the dog, they created art after reading a children's book, they took part in a science experiement on the states of matter after reading an expository text, and many more activities. All of the ideas were great resources for me to use within my classroom!

3. How did the experience help you to strengthen at least one Kentucky Teacher Standard? (be sure to name the standard)

My field experience is really going to help with with KTS2; the teacher designs and plans instruction. Through the observations and hands-on things that I did in our public libraries I gained a lot of information on how to use different books--especially non-fiction books! The activities were great resources that I will take with me.

4. Talk a little about one thing you learned because of this field experience.

The most important thing that I learned through my field experience is just how important our media specialist is. She truly wants to be a part of our classroom and help our students make connections to content through her class. She is willing to help us with projects and give our students the additional support that they need. I never really thought that she "just checked out books" but I did not realize how much she really does. This was a great learning experience for me!

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