Thursday, May 10, 2012

About Me

Hello all! My name is Amanda Sigmon, and this is my very first blog! I am a fifth grade teacher at an elementary in Boone County, KY; this is my third full year teaching. I really enjoy teaching math, social studies, and writing but feel that I could strengthen my skills in teaching reading. I am looking forward to gaining resources through this class that I will be able to use in the future! I graduated from Northern Kentucky University in 2008 where I received the Outstanding Teacher Award for elementary education. This current school year I was nominated for and received the Excellence in Teaching Award from Campbellsville University! Until entering college I had never really won anything before so these two awards I am very proud of. I have been married for 4 years and we currently do not have any children. This is a very exciting time for my husband and I though because we just bought our first home and we actually go next week to pick up our Goldendoodle puppy whose name is Jax. I am looking forward to everything this course has to offer!!

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